Change Readiness

We understand that one of the main reason for and the barrier to sustained behavioural change, recovery, abstinence, sober living or safer harm reduction practices is the lack of readiness to change or motivation to change coupled with no assessed and coaching of the client regarding their stage of change and the most appropriate motivation to change support and counselling needed for that individual as against one size fit all in a traditional residential or outpatient treatment programming for group treatment facilitation.

Therefore we encourage and provide pre-treatment coaching that entails the following:-

  1. Individualized Change readiness coaching and counselling session for each person considering treatment and behavioural change.
  2. This often is also the case for those challenged by mental illness or mental/emotional distress.

We offer:-

  • One on one coaching and counselling for Change Readiness and Stage of change assessment and identification.
  • Group webinar on
